My Coursework

Note: Course numbers are of the form XX-YYY, where XX is the department number (notably 18 for Electrical and Computer Engineering, 15 for Computer Science, etc.) and YYY is the course number. In general, 000-299 are lower-division undergraduate, 300-499 are upper-division undergraduate, and 600-999 are graduate level.

Units Completed: 308.0 (or 102.67 semester credits)
(3 CMU Units = 1 Semester Credit = 1.5 Quarter Credits)


Fall 2024 (In Progress) (45 units)

18-441: Computer Networks

18-290: Signals and Systems

18-240: Structure and Design of Digital Systems

36-225: Introduction to Probability Theory

TA for 18-220: Electronic Devices and Analog Circuits


Spring 2024 (48 units)

18-213: Introduction to Computer Systems (A)

18-220: Electronic Devices and Analog Circuits (A)

17-214: Principles of Software Construction: Objects, Design, and Concurrency (A)

42-101: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (A)

TA for 18-100: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering

Fall 2023 (45 units)

15-122: Principles of Imperative Computation (A)

18-100: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (A)

21-127: Concepts of Mathematics (B)

76-101: Interpretation and Argument (A)

Summer 2023 (24 units)

15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science (A+) (Transfer Credit)

80-248: Engineering Ethics (A) (Transfer Credit)

99-101: Computing @ Carnegie Mellon (P)


Spring 2023 (48 units)

21-260: Differential Equations (A+) (Transfer Credit)

33-142: Physics II for Engineering and Physics Students (A+) (Transfer Credit)

80-130: Introduction to Ethics (A) (Transfer Credit)

66-006: World Geography (A) (Transfer Credit)

66-002: Public Speaking (A) (Transfer Credit)

Fall 2022 (22 units)

21-240: Matrix Algebra with Applications (A) (Transfer Credit)

33-141: Physics I for Engineering Students (A) (Transfer Credit)

Summer 2022 (9 units)

21-259: Calculus in Three Dimensions (A) (Transfer Credit)

AP and High School/College Dual Credit:

High School/College Dual Credit (18 units)

24-001: Introduction to Design Technology (A)

70-364: Business Law (A)

AP Credit (94 units)

03-121: Modern Biology

09-105: Introduction to Modern Chemistry I

15-110: Principles of Computing

21-120: Differential and Integral Calculus

21-122: Integration and Approximation

73-011: AP Economics

73-012: AP Economics: Micro

76-011: AP English

79-012: AP US History

82-022: AP 5 Spanish Language